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Xuất bản 22/08/2015
Transcripts: 1. (A) There are vases of flowers on the tables. (B) The people are holding a discussion. (C) The room has been set up for a conference. (D) A conference is taking place. 2.(A) The man is painting a door. (B) The man has been painting the door. (C) The door has been painted by the man. (D) The door is open. 3.(A) The work bench is empty. (B) There are tools on the work bench. (C) The man is using the work bench. (D) The carpenter has made a chair. 4. (A) The two women are angry with each other. (B) The two women look happy. (C) The two women are depressed about work. (D) The two women are writing a report. 5. (A) The cars are at a gas station. (B) The cars are leaving the gas station. (C) The man is filling his car with gas. (D) The man is leaning on the gas pump. 6. (A) The woman is using a laptop computer. (B) The woman is suffering. (C) The woman is surfing the Internet. (D) The woman is surfing. 7. (A) The paper is stacked across from the table. (B) The woman is putting paper under the table. (C) The people are arranging papers on a table. (D) The paper is hanging over the tables. 8. (A) The women are discussing a document. (B) The women are resuming a discussion. (C) The women are walking in an office. (D) The women are walking in the corridor. 9. (A) The man and woman are conducting a survey. (B) The man and woman are surveying the view. (C) The man and woman are watching the view. (D) The woman is pointing out a new building. 10. (A) The woman is seated on the right of one of the men. (B) The woman is seated between the two men. (C) The man is seated between two women. (D) The woman is standing by the window.
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