IELTS Writing Task 2 strategies and example essay PART 1 FULL

Xuất bản 17/08/2015
An IELTS writing task 2 by This video is part one of two. It teaches important skills for IELTS task 2 writing, understanding the question and planning a strong response. Follow us on Facebook at This video is a part 1 of Task 2 writing strategies in a series that teaches the steps necessary to achieve a high score, between 7 to 9 on the IETLS task 2 writing question. Task 2 strategies focus on understanding the question, planning and structure with working example. This series will teach you the strategies that will help you to reach success on this question in the 40 minute time limit. It is worth 2/3 of the writing mark. Follow the instructions carefully and make sure to practice. It is important to try different types of question for the task 2, so you can think quickly and logically. Enjoy.
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